With working class roots as the daughter of a miner in the industrial Polish town of Katowice, Romana has carried on this link where, at her employer in Warrington, she has been voted to represent the UK workforce on their European Work Council for nearly a decade.
A key element that Romana brings is a sense of equality and fairness. It’s easy to say things, but in reality, the real way we improve outcomes is to ensure that everyone, no matter how humble their background, should have full and equal access to the very best education and healthcare possible. Young people in West Bank find their access to high school options limited due to rigid criteria based on distance. And then, poor public transport links can reduce options to those without access to cars.
In Romana’s main motivation, in her words, is “Equality. It’s about presenting opportunities. People don’t want to feel patronised with handouts, but they don’t want to face more hurdles than people from more privileged backgrounds – hurdles that are often invisible to those who’ve never faced a struggle in their life. I know what it’s like to be skint, to struggle to pay rent or afford decent food, and I know how hard it can be to study or change jobs when life is like that. I’ll always look out for those who need help, and that should make life better for everyone by increasing opportunities, reducing crime, and decreasing the need for expensive social support.”
Romana’s husband, David, is acting as her election agent and lived in West Bank when he was young and needed to rent a room. He’s lived in Widnes, with some breaks, since his teens. Both can frequently be found at Spike Island with their children, and are always happy to chat about local issues.
Published and promoted by DAVID COVENEY on behalf of ROMANA COVENEY (Liberal Democrats), all at 101 Heath Road South, Runcorn, WA7 4QH
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